The following is the tryout date and time for our 2022 12u and 10u all-star teams that will compete in local games and/or tournaments in preparation for the district/area tournament at the end of June.
The tryout is Saturday, May 13, 10 a.m. 12u will try out at Jocker Field and 10u will try out at Kendall Field. Please email the league president to indicate if your player will attend the tryout so that we can anticipate how many players will be there.
Bill Huffman is the manager of the 12u team. Assistant coaches will be determined soon. Chad Balser is the manager of the 10u team. Assistant coaches will include Chris Tibbetts.
Players trying out must already be on KCRBL Cal Ripken baseball teams. The listed age for the level (12u or 10u) reflects the age of the player as of May 1. Players should come to the tryout fully prepared to field, throw, hit, etc., bringing all of their regular gear with them.
Players should understand the commitment required of being on an all-star team. Practices are important for building team chemistry, communication, understanding of one another, working with the coaches, etc.
However, we understand that players, particularly at these ages, have other commitments and can be constrained by family schedules; we would love to have kids who are able to commit to a full schedule, but we understand some kids play multiple sports and may not be able to make all of the practices, or even all of the tournaments. We encourage any player who has a desire to play to come out, and we can address scheduling concerns after looking at what we've got.
It is possible that not everyone who attends the tryout will make the team.
The registration fee for players who make the team is $130, which covers fees for tournaments or one-off games against other leagues (such as game balls, awards, umps), chartering and insuring the team, hat, shirt, belt, and socks. Only after making the team will parents need to make payment.
12u tournament and game schedule to come, but anticipate the 12/70 area tournament to be the weekend of June 23-26.
10u tournament and game schedule to come, but the Plymouth Invitational tournament is June 17-18 and the 10u area tournament will be the weekend of June 23-26.